Making all things new: an invitation to join us

Making all things new: an invitation to join us

There has been a flurry of activity around the site of the Ministry Centre this week. After many years of planning a new pavement has been constructed on the area that we call the ‘sands’. This will now give safe access to all pedestrians accessing the Ministry Centre, Scout Headquarters, U3A groups, and our school.  Inside the Ministry Centre the main hall has changed colour and Vicky and Peter have moved offices. All in all it has been a week of significant changes.

Walking around the site has given me time to reflect on the importance of the Ministry Centre in our community. Each week over 70 volunteers serve through Café Vista, toddlers and luncheon club. Volunteers are valuable to us and we simply could not offer the invitation to join us without them.  As you go into Café Vista you soon become aware of another invitation. The words of Jesus found in Matthew’s Gospel offer a powerful invitation that can transform individual lives, relationships and even the most complicated of situations.

“Come to me, all you that are weary and are carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28-30

This verse of scripture in a nutshell is what makes Café Vista, toddlers and luncheon club distinctive. We hope that as people enter our ministry centre they are free to come as they are, to simply be themselves. To feel the warm embrace of a God who cares, who offers a sanctuary, a spacious place to be still and know that He can make all things new!

So if you have never been to the Ministry Centre why not come and see for yourselves. Accept our personal invitation to come and join us and to contemplate the invitation  that Jesus offers to each of us “Come to me, all you that are weary and are carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.”