Christ Church is part of the Church of England.
Registered Charity No. 1129036
Contact Us
- 01695 424530
- Christ Church, Long Lane, Aughton, L39 5AS
We aim to support and nurture the youngest members of our community from babies to toddlers, to children, to youth. Various groups during the 10:45 am Sunday service and throughout the week provide a warm welcome and a friendly space to make friends, discover the Bible and explore the Christian faith in a safe environment.
Each week, Bible stories and action songs cover a different theme. Parents are encouraged to sit with their children during these sessions.
Participants share stories with one another, play games, sing songs, listen to Bible stories and make crafts. Throughout the year there are also many seasonal events for children in this age group.
In addition to meeting on Sunday mornings throughout the year, our youth goes on two weekends away and to a summer youth festival. Follow the group on Instagram (@ccaymomentum)
Meets on the 2nd Sunday every month in the Ministry Centre from 6.30 pm. Led by young people, the evening includes games and worship, a talk by one of the leaders, and prayer.
Meets three Sundays every month in Café Vista from 6.30 pm. For young people in Year 9 and above to meet & chat through questions about faith & life and discuss various themes over refreshments.
For pregnant ladies and mothers with babies under 9 months of age. Meets in the Ministry Centre on Mondays* from 10:00 - 11.30 am, providing a chance to meet and chat over a cuppa, share stories and support one another for a small charge of £2 per family.
* Excepting Bank Holidays.
A group for ages 0-3, we meet in the Ministry Centre from 10:00 - 11.30 am every Tuesday*. Run by volunteers, we aim to provide a safe, relaxed, friendly and inviting space for all pre-school aged children and their carers. Refreshments and plenty of toys are provided at a cost of £4 per family.
* Excepting the Tuesday after a Bank Holiday.
A group for those 11+, meeting in the Ministry Centre 7:30 - 9:00 pm every Wednesday* to play games, watch videos, listen to people’s stories and have discussion groups about issues that young people may be facing.
* Excepting the Wednesday after a Bank Holiday.
A group for those in school years 5 and 6 (9-11 years old), meeting in the Ministry Centre from 3:30pm - 4:00pm every Friday*, to play and spend time with friends and to learn a new verse in the Bible to take into the week ahead.
*Excepting the Friday after a Bank Holiday.
Adult groups meet throughout the week, enjoying various social activities to strengthen existing friendships and establish new ones. Everyone is welcome! Join our email list to receive our weekly notices – they include specific dates you can pop in your calendar for the group(s) you’d like to join.
Bring along your knitting needles and wool to Café Vista every fourth Monday at 10:00 am for great coffee and conversation. If you have any wool you'd like to donate to assist with charity projects, the Knit and Natter group would be very grateful!
Seniors are invited to join us every other Wednesday at noon for a three-course meal with tea/coffee, accompanied by some light piano entertainment. Cost is £7 per person. Pre-booking is essential, so please contact the church office to reserve your spot, and to arrange transportation to the Ministry Centre, if needed.
If you’re living or feeling alone and seeking companionship, join us in Café Vista on Fridays at 11:00 am for a complimentary cup of tea/coffee and biscuits in a warm, inviting and supportive setting.
Join us for refreshments, board games and good conversation. And if you're up for some physical activity, play a game of table football or pool. A great place to meet up with friends, and to make new ones. The group meets in the main hall in the Ministry Centre, every Friday at 10:00 am.
Girlie Night-In is held on the third Friday of every month at 7:45 pm (except during Easter, July and August). Bring a friend and some light refreshments for an evening of entertainment and friendship.
Christ Church is part of the Church of England.
Registered Charity No. 1129036
© Christ Church Aughton 2022. Website brought to life by Masterpiece Creative Design.