Online Resources

Vicar's Contemplations

Vicar’s contemplations are an opportunity for you to read the thoughts of our vicar and catch up on previous services at Christ Church Aughton.

To read, click here.

To watch, visit our YouTube page here.

We also invite you to join us on Sunday mornings for our 10:45 am Family service. If you’re not able to join and would like to listen to the sermon at a later time, visit our Facebook page and type in the service date in the search field. You can watch the entire recording, or fast forward to the sermon which is usually at the half-way point of the service.

Podcasts and Apps

Brew @ 2

In April 2020, shortly after the COVID-19 pandemic was announced, we started a collection of reflections called Brew@2. Over 80 people shared their story of faith.

At the time we had no idea how popular the series would become and how much they would give
others hope during a time of great uncertainty.

The first series focused on how the resurrection of Jesus has changes their lives, followed by a second series that considered how Christmas traditions help
us prepare for the coming of Jesus.

On February 19, 2021 a third series called ‘One year later” launched, followed by Holy Week reflections on the things that Jesus carried to the cross.

To watch one of more of these reflections, visit our Facebook page and type in “Brew @ 2” in the search field.

Minute Motivation